How to develop a never give up Attitude (A Book Reading Experience)
Hey folks,
I was recently reading a book that has inspired me to change the way I look at things. This 110 pages book written by Dr Hardik Joshi is quite interesting and appeals to readers of all ages and backgrounds. I had a great time reading this book. That is when it struck me to share my reading experience with the world. I would also like to share my insights and give you a little peek at what is in the book. The book is named ‘How to develop a never give up Attitude’. I am sure a lot of you will benefit from this.
How to develop a never give up Attitude – Book Review
This book is based on the concept of never giving up. Now you may ask me, what is new? There are hundreds of books and articles on never giving up. What makes this book different? Well, let me tell you something interesting. The writer has thoughtfully divided the book into small chapters. Let us see how he has done this.
Never – 5 words
Give – 4 Words
Up – 2 Words
This gives us a total of 11 words. Therefore, the writer has divided the book into 11 chapters. They are:
- Dream
- Visualization
- Affirmation
- Plan
- Effort
- Focus
- Determination
- Self-Motivation
- Persistence
- Gratitude
- Celebration
A dream is like the heart of the human body
Dreams are the foundation of a person’s life. Each human on Earth is endowed with talent. One must identify, embrace and feel proud of the talent they have. Consider it a gift not everyone has because each individual has different sets of skills and talents. You must have a dream, a goal that you want to achieve in life. Many times our dreams are in line with our talent. The writer narrates an inspiring story of Maya for us to understand the importance of dreams.
Visualization is like the lungs of the human Body
As you know lungs are responsible for supplying oxygen to the entire body. This oxygen is very important for the body to function. Similarly, visualization is important for your dreams. It acts as a pillar of your foundation.
When you visualize something, the part of your brain responsible for carrying the same action is stimulated. For example, if you visualize lifting your left arm, your brain is stimulated to understand that your left arm is actually being lifted. This is because the brain does not understand the difference between a real task and a visualized task. So, by visualizing your dreams and goals, you are activating your brain cells to work towards the dream. To make us understand this concept better, the writer narrates the inspiring story of Jamila Vohra.
Affirmation is like a vein of the human body
Veins carry oxygenated blood from the heart to all body parts. It also carries deoxygenated blood from the body parts back to the heart. This is exactly how affirmation works. It helps to spread positivity and remove all the negativity you are surrounded by. Affirmation helps to chase one’s dreams. This helps one feel more confident and strong about our decisions. With positivity around, a person makes the right decisions to reach their goals. You are more steady and strong.
To close this chapter, the writer has written a story of Vadodara to inspire us to be affirmative about our dreams.
A Plan is like the ribs of the human Body
Plan – Prepare a layout to take actions that are necessary
Only visualizing your dream is not enough. This only ensures you are ready to take action. The next step is to plan. Planning is a very important process as it helps you move closer to your dreams. A plan acts as the sail of your ship. It makes sure you are sailing in the right direction and helps you towards it. By chalking down a path to reach your dreams, you are ensuring that you reach your destination within the stipulated time set by you. An inspiring story about Harman Patel is narrated by Dr Hardik Joshi here.
An effort is like the spinal cord of the human Body
If efforts are not important to you, you are wasting your time and energy. This is very simple to understand. Efforts bridge the gap between dreams and reality. Putting in efforts is really important as it helps to realize our dreams into reality. Every time you put in the effort, you are closer to achieving what you really want.
To inspire the readers, the writer has beautifully written a story about Naresh Kumar.
Focus is like a bone of the human body
Focusing is a significant and essential part of our attention and interest. The bones are dynamic organs of the body. They are responsible for the structure and shape of the body. Similarly, the focus is crucial for shaping and structuring our dreams. When you are focused, it is easier to remain concentrated in difficult times as well. The writer narrates an inspiring story of Sagar for us to understand the importance of focus in life.
Determination is like a muscle of the human body
It is said that determination is one of the most valuable qualities that every successful person has. A student who wants to gain knowledge, a researcher who is working on a tough project, a businessman who is keen to expand his business, an athlete who wants to better his game, or an artist who wants to do better relies a great deal on determination. Muscles provide strength to the body and help us in movement. Muscles store everything in the form of glycogen. Similarly, determination provides strength to our dream. To inspire us, the writer has narrated an inspiring story of Shiv and Siddharth
Self-Motivation is like the liver of the human body
Motivation is not only required when we cannot achieve our dream but is also required when we are in the right direction. Without a healthy liver, it is very difficult for a person to live a healthy life. Without self-motivation, it is very difficult to make our dreams come true. As icing on the cake, this chapter has an inspiring story of Manoj.
Persistence is like the kidney of the body
If the kidneys do not function properly, then we may land in trouble. If they stop working, we may even lose our life. Similarly, persistence helps us stay positive by eliminating negativity during difficult times. Our dream expires in the absence of persistence. The chapter includes an inspiring story of Jayesh.
Gratitude is like the Brain of the human body
Thankfulness or Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and showing appreciation for an act of kindness. Gratitude is a miracle. It turns impossible things into possibilities. It’s the key ingredient to increasing the quality of our lives. The chapter has an inspiring story of Deep which helps us understand the importance of gratitude.
Celebration is like dopamine and serotonin hormones of the human body
Though celebrations are an important quality of life, it is one of the most underestimated and under-utilized qualities in our mission to make our dream a reality. Celebrate your small achievements, Push yourself to do more and reward yourself for significant accomplishments.
I hope you have been inspired by my review and reading experience of the book ‘How to develop a never give up Attitude’. If you feel the book has an interesting concept, you should definitely give it a read. I have only given a highlight of what the book has in store for you. Even without reading the book, you will be able to understand How to develop a never give up Attitude. If you do read the book, let me know your insights into it in the comment section below. I would love to discuss and get different perspectives on the book. Make sure to recommend this book to friends and family. You can also share this article with them for them to learn How to develop a never give up Attitude quickly.