How To Draw

Step-by-step on How to Draw a Fish | Original Guide

Fish and other sea creatures are among the most majestic and strange creatures in the world, making them ideal objects for artwork. Although the perceived simplicity of fishes can make them appear to be simple subjects for painting, the distinctions between fish species necessitate close attention to detail. Until you start drawing fish, decide what kind of fish you want to produce. Is it cartilaginous, like a shark, skate, or ray, or bony, like koi or tuna? The gills of a bony fish are covered, while the gills of a cartilaginous fish are slitted. Bony fish have symmetrical fins, while cartilaginous fish have upper lobes that are wider than lower lobes. Learn how to draw a fish in this article below.

How to Draw a Fish

Today we will learn how to draw a fish that is easy, cute, and enjoyable. This would be a very simple fish drawing that can be used as a jumping-off point for more inspiration for your fish drawings. Your biggest limitation is your creativity. Start with some basic fish sketches and work your way up to see what other ideas you can come up with. Let’s begin by taking a look at some of the simple art supplies we’ll be using today.

Materials required:

  • Drawing paper
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Colours

Step 1 – Start with the body

The first step is to draw the basic shape of our fish. You can make your fish in the shape of an oval or a circle. It is critical to use simple shapes to rough out your sketches as you progress to more advanced drawings.



Step 2 – Draw the tail

Once you have the basic shape of the body of your fish ready, move on to draw the tail of the fish. For this, you can have a roughly triangular shape at the rear of the body of the fish. Make sure this shape aligns well with the back of the body of the fish.



Step 3 – Draw the upper fin

After you have the basic shape of your fish ready, you can slowly start to add the details. Now, we will start with the upper fin. For this, find the centre of the body, excluding the tail. This will be the curve area of the oval. In this area, you have a draw an upside-down V. This looks like a triangle.



Step 4 – Draw the lower fin

For this step, you will have to draw a triangle shape on the body of the fish. This will be right under the upper fin. Make sure that your lower fin is smaller in size than the upper fin. This is a very important step while adding the details to the fish.



Step 5 – Define the mouth

For a mouth, you will have to draw two curved lines. Before you draw the lines, you will first have to understand where you will draw this. Leave a little place from the start, and then mark your lines. This should be a little before the upper fins start.



Step 6 – Draw the eyes

To draw the eyes, you need to draw a circle within the mouth of the fish. Near the two curved lines that you drew, draw a circle to mark the eyes of the fish. Inside this circle, draw another circle and fill it in with your pencil. This will make the eye look real and beautiful.



Step 7 – Add all the details

Now your basic fish is ready. Make sure to check the fins, eyes and all other details. You will also have to add another fin to the bottom of the fish. This has to be on the back part of the body of the fish. Look at the image below. Your drawing must look similar to this.



Step 8 – Draw the gills and finish the drawing

Now, it is time to complete the fish. Do you know where fishes breathe from? It is not their nose. They breathe from their gills. Therefore it is important to draw the gills in the body. To draw the gills, you need to draw many semi-circles. These should look like upside-down C’s. Cover the entire body with these gills. Make sure you do not draw the gills on the mouth, tail and fins. After you have completed this step, fill in the fins and the tail with your pencil. Neatly shade them. Your drawing is now complete and should look like the below.



If you wish, you can also colour the fish. Use your imagination and colour it.

Other Drawing:

Hope you have found all the information required about How to Draw a Fish. You can find all such information in various drawings on our website. If you have any queries or questions, do let us know in the comment section below. Make sure to draw this and send it to us. Send this article to your friends and family and let them know How to Draw a Fish.

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