Health Education

How to Increase Sperm Count in Food – Natural Ways

Diet and nutrition are important elements in preparing your body for pregnancy, but what male partners consume in the months preceding conception is also important. Fertility foods aren’t only for women; there are meals that can boost sperm count and quality, as well as foods men should avoid while attempting to conceive. A man’s sperm count is deemed poor if he has less than 39 million sperm each ejaculation. It still sounds like a lot, but when you realise how far sperm has to go, it’s not. What’s the point? It is critical for men who are attempting to conceive to assess their diet to ensure that it does not interfere with their chances of conception. If you want to increase your fertility naturally, then here is how to increase sperm count in food.

How to Increase Sperm Count in Food

It’s also important to note that any dietary modifications should be implemented at least three months before your optimum conception date because sperm takes three months to mature. Discuss any reproductive issues with your doctor, but taking a look at what’s on both partners’ plates can help with general sexual health and fertility. Few individuals are aware that the average man’s sperm count has gradually declined over the last 40 years. This should frighten everyone, especially males. Most guys, however, have sperm health as the last thing on their minds. The influence of diet on sperm is even farther from our common perception. If you want to enhance your virility as a man and are intending to have a kid, you should eat a nutritious diet. Including vegetarian as well as some meat-based foods in your diet may be quite beneficial to your health.


How to Increase Sperm Count in Food


You may naturally boost your sperm count by eating nutritious meals. So, don’t put it off any longer! Go through this list of foods and include them in your daily diet if you want to improve your sexual life and want to have a baby soon. You can learn How to Increase Sperm Count in Food in this article below.

1. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is the first and most likely best meal to enhance sperm count. The cacao beans used to produce chocolate are high in antioxidants. Dark chocolate also includes L-Arginine, an enzyme that helps enhance sperm volume. Instead of a substantial dessert, you and your spouse can split a piece of dark chocolate after dinner.

2. Goji Berries

Goji berries are nature’s joy and an Indian superfood for increasing sperm count. They boost the mood and warmth surrounding the scrotum sac, making it ideal for sperm production. Although there is no scientific evidence to support this, it does contain antioxidants that increase sperm motility and fertility.

3. Eggs

It’s no secret that eggs are one of the most important superfoods for boosting sperm count. Eggs are high in Vitamin E and protein, which aid in sperm motility. Consuming eggs also shields sperm from free radicals, increasing the odds of fertilisation by a factor of two. Eggs are also high in zinc, which has been shown to increase sperm motility. Eggs may be ingested in a variety of ways to boost your sperm count.

4. Banana

The obvious choice for boosting sperm production is bananas. This phallic-shaped fruit is high in vitamins B1 and C, as well as magnesium, which increases sperm motility and aids in sperm production. Bananas also contain Bromelain, a rare enzyme that aids in sperm count and motility. They can also control sex hormones and lift your spirits. So, if you enjoy eating bananas, you have plenty of reasons to keep eating them.

5. Spinach

Eating leafy vegetables is beneficial to our health since they assist control a variety of bodily functions. Leafy greens, in particular, can aid in sperm production. Spinach is high in folic acid, which is necessary for sperm production.

6. Garlic

Garlic prevents cancer and increases sperm production in the scrotum. It includes allicin, which is necessary for increasing blood circulation to the proper areas of the body. Blood smoothly circulates to the sexual organs, protecting them from harm. Selenium, another essential enzyme present in garlic, aids in sperm motility.

7. Asparagus

Asparagus is high in Vitamin C, which protects sperm from free radicals. It even increases sperm count and reproductive chances by assisting them in swimming towards the egg.


8. Oysters

Oysters are high in zinc, which helps enhance sperm motility. Consume oysters to boost the reproductive system by supplying glycogen and taurine.

9. Walnuts

They are well-known as brain food, but they also aid in sperm production. Walnuts, which are high in omega-3 fatty acids, boost sperm viability.

10. Ashwagandha (Ginseng)

This ancient root is an excellent aphrodisiac and has been used in cuisine for centuries. It is claimed to not only boost testosterone levels but also aid in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. It is available in fresh or dried form and may be eaten as tea.

11. Pumpkin Seed

These seeds are high in antioxidants, phytosterols, and amino acids, all of which help males become more fertile. Pumpkin seeds can also assist with sperm count, motility, and general virility. You may add them to salads or eat them raw as a snack.

12. Pomegranates

Pomegranates have been shown to boost sexual desire. Because they are high in antioxidants, they assist to enhance the quantity and quality of sperm production. Pomegranates can be consumed in raw or juice form every other day.

13. Fenugreek

Fenugreek, often known as ‘methi,’ is a traditional Indian spice that is believed to boost sperm count and libido. It may be used to make dal or any other veggie dish.

14. Lentils

Cooked lentils are high in folic acid, which acts as a catalyst in the production of sperm. Because a lack of folic acid might result in chromosomal defects in males, it is important to take lentils on a daily basis.

15. Carrots

Carrots can be eaten as a vegetable or as a snack. They are high in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that keeps sperm healthy by shielding it from free radicals. This, in turn, improves sperm motility, allowing it to reach the egg.

16. Olive Oil

Regular use of olive oil improves sperm count and quality. It lowers bad cholesterol levels, improves oxygen supply to the testicles, and aids in the production of healthy sperm.

17. Beef

Zinc is also abundant in red meats such as beef. Beef is also high in folic acid and selenium, both of which assist increase sperm health. Consume steak if you enjoy meat; it will help with sperm production and motility.


18. Zinc-Rich Foods

Any meal high in zinc protects sperm from free radical damage. It also increases libido. Zinc is abundant in all types of fish. Consume nuts, beans, whole wheat grains, fortified cereals, and dairy products to increase your zinc consumption.

19. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are an excellent fertility meal. They include lycopene, an antioxidant that has been shown to enhance the structure and function of sperm. Men’s fertility can be increased by eating tomatoes on a regular basis.

20. Berries

Raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, and blueberries, like goji berries, contain strong antioxidants and anti-inflammatory elements such as quercetin and resveratrol, which aid in the quality and production of sperm.

21. Fish

One tiny study found that eating more fish resulted in improved sperm motility. Other research yielded unclear results. The advantages of fish for sperm health are most likely owing to their high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids, although the total function of fish in sperm health is unknown. Eating fish may assist if it is a substitute for red and/ or processed meats.

22. Fruits and Vegetables

A study of 250 men who had their sperm tested at a fertility clinic found that men who ate more fruits and vegetables, particularly green leafy vegetables and beans (legumes), had greater sperm concentrations and better sperm motility than those who ate less of these items. This is not unexpected given the high levels of antioxidants found in plant-based whole foods such as co-enzyme Q10, vitamin C, and lycopene. These micronutrients have been related to increased sperm concentrations. Several studies have demonstrated that co-enzyme q supplements may improve sperm health, but more research is needed before we can make firm recommendations.

23. Maca Roots

Maca root is a Peruvian medicinal plant with a long history of usage in traditional medicine as a libido stimulant that may also increase sperm quality. It’s technically a powdered root vegetable with a nutty flavour. Use it in smoothies or sprinkle it on porridge. Maca roots have been shown to boost sperm count and fertility. Men who use this plant as a supplement have a higher amount of sperm as well as more motile sperm.


Your fertility will improve if you incorporate nutritious meals into your diet and live a healthy lifestyle. So, consume the items listed above and quit smoking (if you smoke) to live a healthy life. Hope you have understood How to Increase Sperm Count in Food. You can find all such information about health education on our website. If you have any queries or questions, do let us know in the comment section below. We answer all the questions and provide information only after thorough research from trusted sources. Send this article to friends and family and let them know How to Increase Sperm Count in Food.

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