Life Education

The List of Strength of Women | Women Empower

Women are the eyes of our country, we have gone through this quote at least once in our life. For me, it’s my social science book that taught this quote.  we respect women, we treat women like goddesses, and on my view they are different; something superior. From this line, I am going to talk about the Strength of Women, which you haven’t heard before.

Every male being in the world has its own opposite sex which is called female, those females used to carry the fetus. Do you think women are superior because of carrying a baby? If yes, change your mind. Equality should start with women, nowadays we are over-devoting women. Not that I am complaining it is needed because we discriminated against women from the beginning of civilization. Actually, we are acting on the guilt of misunderstanding femininity in the past. So, what about now? Are we understanding them? To tell the truth, no.


Strength of women


In society, women are acting as a tool for pride, honor, and insult. The cities are much more evolved now than urban areas. Yes, women un equality is still practiced in the village and urban societies. Men in those areas frame certain rules for women and keep that practicing.


We are still seeing honor killings and harassment in daily newspapers, what makes them do such things, Lack of awareness or immaturity? It may be a lack of education, I guess. Education is not getting a doctorate, it’s about self-estimating or self-analyzing. We have to experience these sins in society until we educate our children. I am speaking about parents of every house; it is not taboo or sin to give sex education to your kids. I am not saying harassment is happening only to females, or males experience such things; when it comes to males, those things are moving like a passing cloud but in the female perspective, it is acting as an honor.

Without proper knowledge about the opposite sex, how will he or she experiences this society safely, while they enter teenager?

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Pride and Insult

Most of the vulgar phrases in the languages are targeting women either directly or Indirectly. I can’t give you the examples but think about that, you will understand. We are searching for women or women organs or women in the family to sled or insult someone but why? Why are the women carrying the pride of a family? Why should a woman carry a father’s pride? Doesn’t she have the right to choose her life?

All the above questions have one answer, “cycle of the circle”. If a person cares or involves in any means of other’s pride or insult, then he has to be aware of his own pride. As I said before they are all-seeing women as tools for their pride so they are giving boundaries, conditions, and restrictions to their family women to save their own family pride.

There is nothing called males to have to be concerned about females’ rights and equality. Those are mandatory to live as human beings. Humans are superior in the food chain and also, and we are evolved. If you think you are a human then you have to respect the opposite sex of your own species.

Strength of Women

Females are on the most powerful side of nature, without females there is no reproduction. Yaa, there will be no reproduction without males too but female carries the fetus, which makes them superior also this gives them a super strength called bearing the pain.

Bearing Pain – Biggest Strength of Women

Women used to experience severe pain while they deliver a baby but I am not speaking about that pain. Women used to watch Television serials that have sadder things I am not saying it is healthy to watch but females often used to watch such things because they like sorrow and they can handle the pain given by sorrow.

Girls used to cry more, psychology says crying loses the stress and mental illness and they naturally have that skill. They are crying, not because they are sensitive but because they lose the pain while crying which helps them to bear more pain.

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Learning the Skills

Girls will be the top scorer in most the colleges and schools, now day’s women achieving more impossible things; which shows their learning and adaptation skills.

When we see a woman riding a two-wheeler or 4-wheeler on the main road we used to smile, sometimes we used to criticize or tease her. Think about it; when a boy enters his teen, he will start driving, sporting, and depending less on their parents but how many parents or families allow their female kids to ride a bike on their 15 or allow them to practice sport?

So please don’t criticize when a woman driving, don’t worry just find your way and be safe, she will learn quickly.

Administration Skills

Women have more administration and finance skills than men. We may have seen that our mother used to frame the budget of our house, they can run the family in good and bad situations.

We have some superior examples in India, we had Women Prime ministers, and we have many women Chief Ministers also we have many women governors and collectors. So these administration examples are unbelievable Strengths of women.

Calm and Composer

We can see more lady teachers in elementary levels in most of the schools than males. That’s because ladies have the calmness and patience to teach the kids but most men don’t have such things. When you be calm, you can achieve anything in the world.

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Women have more self-belief and self-confidence than men, we can see, that in India women’s empowerment started after the ’70s but still, men lie in the ultimate position. Even in this male dominant world, we can see women working in all the fields, not only just working but also they have certain superior roles.

Ladies started driving autos, there are women conductors even women doing research in rocket science but these are not developments. On my view, their skills are more but this male dominant society is not deserved to have such skilled superwomen. Time is changing and men are getting evolved, let’s hope for a better future.

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