Health Education

What is Goosebumps ? What Science Behind the Goosebumps?

What gives you goosebumps and how do they happen?


Imagine walking down a dark alley and suddenly a shadow crosses your path! Well, imaging gives us goosebumps. What word did you just use? This is a unique physiological development that causes skin hairs to grow out of control. Sometimes a stretch is felt throughout the body. Well, there is science behind goosebumps.

It happens, but not all the time. Our hair comes out of its dormant state when our body temperature drops or something unexpected happens. It happens when you groan knowing something is about to happen.


What is Goosebumps

What is Goosebumps?

Goosebumps are normal reflex actions in response to a stimulus. When something happens to the hair our body reacts in certain ways to wake it up from its dormant state. This usually happens when the body temperature drops or when you experience a sudden unexpected development of events.

It happens when you fear or dread a particular situation. This is the brain’s way of harming our system. If you look carefully, you will see that the hair on the body is stiff. They feel a bit tight due to the follicles that have grown from being sunken. When you touch them, you will feel bumps on the skin.

Now the question is where this phenomenon got its name. When we pluck the goose’s feathers, small bumps appear on its skin evenly all over the body. Goosebumps on the skin feel similar when we run our fingers and imagine them.

The scientific reason behind gooseberry

As mentioned earlier, a sudden drop in body temperature gives us goosebumps. This can happen when listening to a song or enjoying something that excites us. We experience it when threatened or intimidated. By definition, it is a conditioned reflex, a physiological phenomenon that triggers our brain to tell us something. It can also cause a sudden surge of happiness.

Well, the scientific reason behind this natural phenomenon is explained differently. It is a simple biological process when the hormone adrenaline is released into our body. It is released from the adrenal glands and causes an immediate reaction throughout our body. The heart rate increases and signals the brain (central nervous system) to contract or tense the muscles attached to each hair follicle.

Such development causes the muscles attached to the hair to stretch or contract, making the latter hard. This contraction or tension also causes the hair follicles to form a small bump against the skin. This muscle is called the arrector pili. Goosebumps are caused by the contraction and relaxation of this muscle.

Why do we get goosebumps?

There are many reasons for experiencing goosebumps. Here’s a list of why we got them.

1. Lowering body temperature

As mentioned earlier, when our body temperature drops, we get goosebumps. It is linked to an ancestral reflex that enabled early humans to trap air to conserve body heat. In prehistoric times, we use heavy coverings of hair or fur. When the temperature drops, the hair on the skin traps air and warms us.

2. Clogging of skin pores

Contraction of the erectile muscles also closes the pores of the skin. This may be a way of conserving heat to keep the body warm and stop sweating.

3. Emotional feelings

There are a variety of emotional sensations that help our hair stand. Maybe fear or excitement from some news. It could be a feeling of pride or someone praising you for your achievement. It may be due to fear or a sudden surprise that takes you by surprise.

Do Goosebumps help us in any way?

Now that we’ve explained why our ancestors got goosebumps, we can see how goosebumps help us. It can retain the residual heat in your body. Our ancestors displayed such hair growth while pretending to look bigger. It was a physical way to intimidate the opponent.

It is also seen in other animals. If you see a cat fighting another cat, you will see it arching its spine and trying to stretch its fur. They try to appear bigger than the opponent and gain opposition. It is an animal reflex that we experience for other reasons.

A simple question arises here. Why do I get goosebumps for no reason? Well, for some people it happens when they are emotionally overwhelmed or challenged. Emotions can cause a prolonged adrenaline rush, which can cause hair to stand on end. It can happen without any reason, but the phenomenon cannot be explained.

If a person feels goosebumps constantly, that person may be sick. This causes the body to react by releasing adrenaline and other stimulating hormones. Persistent goosebumps can be a symptom that should prompt medical attention.


It’s all about goosebumps and why they happen to us. Whenever you experience this happening, you will understand why. Try to focus on the situation and you will surely find the answer. Science is simple and prehistoric. This physical phenomenon proves that we too are animals.

Whether it’s the fight or flight response or something else emotional, our hair stands on end. This is how we get pimples on our skin. It is not harmful at all and is just a reflex reaction.

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